
OS212 - Vincent Suryakim

  1. Main OS Link
    This link is the main source of information for the Operating Systems course. It contains many essential items such as our weekly powerpoint slides.

  2. Debuggex (Regular Expressions)
    I believe that regular expressions or regex is very important for us to learn and the best way to learn regex is by doing. Therefore, I think that this website is a great way for us to learn regex because it also provides a visualizer for the regular expressions.

  3. Grep Command
    I think that the grep command is very useful to search for a keyword within a file. I found that this article is very useful and easy for understand for us to learn the Grep command.

  4. Sed Command
    I think that the sed command is another useful command to learn because of its capabilities to find and replace keywords within a file easily. I think that this article is especially useful to learn the command.

  5. C Programming Tutorial for Beginners
    I think that C is an important language especially for Operating Systems, and I would love to learn the language even more. Therefore, I think that this video is very useful for us to learn the language even more.

  6. C Language Cheatsheet
    Another way to learn the C language is by doing. When learning the language, I often encounter many bugs. Therefore, I think that this cheatsheet is very useful for us to debug and learn the language even more.

  7. Big Endian and Little Endian
    Everytime I read this week’s slides, I often read about Big Endian and Little Endian. Therefore, I think that we all need to learn more about Big Endian and Little Endian. I think that this link can help us to understand more about them.

  8. Addressing in C
    Other than Big Endian and Little Endian, I often encounter topics about addressing in C. Therefore, I think that it is vital to understand further about addressing.

  9. Introduction to Pointers in C
    I also learn about pointers in C this week, and I think that we need to learn more about pointers in C as I believe that it will help us in the future. I believe that this link is a powerful gateway to learn even further about pointers in C.

  10. Virtual Memory
    I think that the knowledge about virtual memories are very important. All of us need to learn more about virtual memories in order to further cement our knowledge about computer science. This link has been useful for me and I hope that this link will also be useful for you.

  11. Memory Allocation Algorithms
    Not just virtual memories, I also think that memory allocation algorithms are very important for us to understand in order to create a memory efficient algorithm in the future. I think that this link is very important because it has been a great source of knowledge for me, and I want to share it with all of you.

  12. Difference between Process and Thread
    This is an article from GeeksforGeeks. This article discusses about the difference between a process and a thread in the topic of concurrency. I think that this article is very useful if you want to learn even more about the differences of a process and a thread in concurrency.

  13. Fork and Threads
    This link explains us about the differences of fork and threads. I think that this article can serve as a good foundational knowledge for us to learn even more about concurrency.

  14. Multithreading Code - Computerphile
    In this video, Dr. Steve Bagleys explains to us about multithreading code and what we might encounter while doing so.

  15. Difference between Deadlock and Starvation
    Everytime I learn about deadlock and starvation, I often get mixed up between the two. Therefore, I think that this is a great article if you want to further cement your knowledge in deadlock and starvation.

  16. Foundations of Peterson’s Solution
    In this video, Neso Academy discussed about Peterson’s Solution in great detail. I think that this video is important to learn the foundations of Peterson’s Solution even more.

  17. Basics of Semaphores
    This article explains us about the basics of semaphores, starting from definition, types, and even more! I believe that this article is important for us to learn even further about semaphores.

  18. CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
    As it turns out, CPU Scheduling is very important in computer science, especially in operating systems. That’s why I think that this article is vital for everyone to read, so that all of us may understand even further about CPU Scheduling.

  19. Introduction to CPU Scheduling
    Apart from the article I mentioned above, I also think that this is an amazing and useful video to further learn and test our understanding about CPU Scheduling.

  20. Linux from Scratch Official Page
    When we’re doing a linux from scratch project, we often encounter errors that we don’t understand. That’s why I think that this website is important because it provides us with a detailed step-by-step instruction list that we can easily follow to create our own linux from scratch.

  21. UEFI and How is it Different from BIOS
    I think that learning about UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is an important part in understanding more about operating systems. That is why I am recommending this article from GeeksForGeeks in order for us to understand even more about UEFI.

  22. Basics of RAID
    Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks, or more commonly known as RAID, is a technique that uses multiple disks in order to increase performance. Currently, RAID has been used around the world to increase the performance of computers. Therefore, I think that as computer science majors, we should learn and understand about RAID as much as we can.

  23. Systemd and its Components
    Systemd is a system designed specifically for the linux kernel to replace the sysvinit process to become the world first process with PID=1, which gets executed in user space during the Linux start-up process. With that said, I think that systemd is another important part of computers and by learning about systemd, I believe that we can gain a more in-depth knowledge about computers.

  24. Sockets in C
    This is an article about sockets. I think that all of us should learn about sockets because I believe that it is one of the foundations of computer science.

  25. Input-output in C
    This is a very useful article about input-output. I think that all of us should read this article about input-output because input-output is one of the building blocks of computer science.